The press saw the event as a straw in the wind that augured the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 报界把这件事看作是两国之间即将恢复邦交的预兆。
But as more people joined, ows developed second-tier services such as mediators to resolve conflicts and people, including wedes, who handle press relations. 但随着加入者越来越多,占领华尔街运动逐渐衍生出一些次级服务,比如有些人专门协调解决冲突事件,还有些人专门负责处理媒体关系(维德斯就是其中一份子)。
While virtually all MBA programs offer courses in advertising, the Associated Press reported only 20% offer a course in public relations. 基本上所有的MBA项目都提供广告课程,但据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,只有约20%提供公关课程。
Only in Indian press I see about problems of US-Pak relations. 我只在印度媒体上看到有关美巴关系出现问题的报道。
Be sure you know how to write a press release because there is a big difference between advertising and public relations. 但是要确保你知道如何写新闻发布会,因为广告和公共关系有很大的区别。
To ensure that the profile of the business and your services are raised through best use of pro-active Press and Public Relations. 通过良好地运用媒体和公共关系,提升贵公司的商业形象。
Until at least the extinction of imperialism the press and everything else in the realm of ideology will reflect class relations. 至少在帝国主义消灭以前,报纸,各种意识形态的东西,都是要反映阶级关系的。
World Confederation for diplomatic and press relations; 世界外交和新闻界关系联合会;
She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally. He constantly badgered his associates to press a public relations campaign that would call more attention to the China visit. 她干起活来倒是相当不错,不过有时需要加以督促.他不断督促助手们展开宣传运动,引起人们对中国之行的更大注意。
The two peoples, especially in economic circles and the press, are very concerned about each other's national conditions, economic and social development and Sino-Japanese relations and trends on the internet. 中日两国民众,尤其是经济界和新闻界都很关心对方的国情和发展,也关注着中日关系在互联网上的动态。
He constantly badgered his associates to press a public relations campaign that would call more attention to the China visit. 他不断督促助手们展开宣传运动,引起人们对中国之行的更大注意。
Press relations has already issued a release saying we found our guy. 媒体已经发出消息说我们找到了凶手。
Cuba's main ally, Venezuela, as well as other countries, have said they want to use the summit to press for closer relations between Washington and Havana. 古巴一直被排除在美洲峰会之外。古巴的主要盟友委内瑞拉等国表示,希望利用此次峰会推进华盛顿和哈瓦那之间的关系。
Research in the press law derived from news tort that is just the idea related to the press law and all the same that is connected with traditional legal relations of the civil. 关于新闻法的研究是源于新闻侵权,但是新闻侵权只是涉及新闻法的表象,仍然是传统的民事法律关系,新闻法要成为独立的部门法,应当具有独立的法律关系。
In order to increase the spinning quality, this paper gives analysis and conclusions about the mechanism of press bar drawing in modern high property drawing frame, its technical requirements and shape, and their relations with spinning quality. 为了提高纺纱质量,对现代高性能并条机压力棒牵伸的机理、压力棒的工艺条件和形式及其与纺纱质量的关系进行了理论概括和分析。
With this in mind, the editors of Social Sciences in China Press and the International Social Sciences Journal organized a seminar entitled Cooperation between International Law and International Relations on 9-10 December 2006 in Beijing. 为此,《中国社会科学》和《国际社会科学杂志》两个编辑部于2006年12月9-10日在北京召开了国际关系与国际法学科合作研讨会。
Legal relations of the press as relations of rights and duties shaped through regulating the social relations of the press by press laws are interrelated with as well as different from the social relations of the press. 新闻法律关系与新闻社会关系既相联系又相区别,它是新闻法律规范调整新闻社会关系形成的权利义务关系。新闻法律关系又反映新闻法的特质,不同于其它法律关系。